Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Beginning The Middle and The End

Dear Family and Friends
       This week is the Beginning the middle and the End of Crazy, or it was just CRAZY. so I have been in Denial all this time of the fact that it was Elder Sharp's last week but it finally has hit us and we have been going slightly crazy, I have felt trunkiness in the air but I have been good.
        Monday we had some good success planned we had the entire night booked we went to our first appointment and that was sweet it was with a less active sister we had a good lesson and committed her to come to church. On our way to our next appointment we texted to confirm and he said oh I am out of town for two weeks sorry guys so we called a less active sister who we have had some contact with through her work and us doing service (the center for people in need) and then she answered and said I am going to Ivana cone (an ice cream shop) meet us there so we did and we had a good visit with her and her husband and kids then we went all the way on the north side of town to our next appointment and we knocked and there was no answer and as we were leaving we saw the guy get out of his truck and he was like sorry guys another day so we tried our backup and that was a flop then we went back to the same apartments to try his neighbor and he was still out working so it started good and went bad.
      Tuesday was a sweet day and we got lots of Good lessons in. We saw the Orozco Family and that was good we discovered that she didn't come to church because she accidentally got a hold of the singles ward's Bishop's wife and got a ride from her and so that was funny but she is also related to one of our other less actives that lives here in Lincoln so with that family moving in we have a cool connection that hopefully we can use to get things going. We saw our member who has quit smoking and he is doing super well except for the fact that he got sick but he is clean many weeks without smoking a cigarette  we did some service for the center for people in Need that was good we got to see some Hispanics and be the Bad guys and enforce the rules so that was fun we also saw a new investigator whose family I know in Crete so that was cool and then we rushed off to meet up with President Mellor of the Elders Quorum to go see the Quirino Family and then we did splits while they went and tried to see Hermano Ceballos and I went to see an investigator the Sisters handed to us since he is a single guy and it was a good lesson. He wants to take investigating the church seriously and the only bad thing about our lesson was he got mad about how I was being to sales pitchy I didn't use enough scriptures because that wasn't how the sisters had taught him so we were like okay so he asked a question and I pulled out my scriptures and said read this and it answered his question and I was like ha see I can do it too, but it was funny.
           Wednesday  was sweet we got three lessons in. We were trying to work with our less actives to see if we couldn't get them to church. Luis Escribano has a good desire to come to church his heart has changed a lot but he just hasn't followed through yet then we saw this Jose Antonio guy who is on the lists from the church, he isn't a member but his wife is and as we started sharing the restoration with him he asked so why was Joseph Smith a polygamist and I was like well I don't know, do you know why Abraham was a polygamist? and we didn't have an answer so said well the reason why is God said so. So I thought that was funny. We then saw Eduardo and taught him about Faith and how he can apply it to receive help from God and we committed him to come to church.
          Thursday was our district meeting and exchanges in Crete so that was fun we didn't get any lessons in but we did try so that was fun.
          Friday we saw Maria Ninninger and that was good we had a good lesson with her and she has lots of trust issues so we are hoping to drop her and have missionaries go back when the Spanish group is stronger and they can get more team ups. from the Spanish sisters/families. 
        Saturday we just saw Marvin Florez our day was alright we had no set appointments so that was sad We had dinner with the Olivers so that was a good highlight of our day
       Sunday was Spanish Sacrament we had a good turn out of about  seven members and two investigators from Crete so that was super sweet we should have had nine though but we were still close we got a call from an investigator named Miguel who we had kind of dropped since he didn't confirm our appointment saying can you come over today? So we got to go see him and he is set for the 23 of April now and I think he might make the date Elder Sharp did some organizing of his stuff  and that was our week so he heads off Thursday but I say by Tuesday
       Adios that is my week,  
Elder Draper

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